What should your priority be in a Divorce?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Divorce - No Time to Air Your Troubles on the Talk Show Circuit


More examples of how to damage your children in a divorce.

Cue paparazzi camera flash and TMZ gossip mongers interviewing children in the midst of a custody battle.

While some high-profile divorcing couples have seen the benefits to themselves and their children of civilized and low-key resolution of their issues (see Tiger Woods, Robin Williams, Cameron Crowe and Nancy Wilson), others, such as Kelsey Grammer and his "Real Wife".. err.. now "Real Ex-Housewife of Beverly Hills, Camille Grammer have made a point it appears of making their divorce as public as possible.

Go ahead and search Google videos for "Grammer divorce", and see what I mean.
Witness today's news story regarding an application by Kelsey Grammer seeking a gag order to prevent his former spouse from allowing their children to be interviewed by reporters, following quickly upon a dismissed application brought by Camille Grammer seeking to remove the children from their father's care because he allegedly sent them to activities with a Nanny.


In fairness, Kelsey Grammer appears to be more often responding to his former spouse flitting about in the media disclosing her scorn and anger - ignoring the reality that their children are being exposed very publicly to this circus - the reality is that it takes two to tango, and certainly, it does not appear that the need to provide children stability and freedom to love both of their parents is in the forefront of the Grammer divorce.

Contrast that with the relative lack of public commentary by the most sensational divorce, perhaps, of the last decade - Tiger Woods and Elin Nordgren.

Short, brief interviews where neither party attacks the other, and most often comment on how important it is to assure that their children's needs are put first - Tiger Woods recently commenting, "You know, it's a sad time in our lives," he said. "And we're looking forward in our lives and how we can help our kids the best way we possibly can. And that's the important thing."  Commentary from the children's mother, Elin Nordgren was similarly conciliatory:

"..she told People she had no intention of addressing the matters again, saying she hoped she and her children could get the privacy they needed to adjust to their new lives.

Despite everything Nordegren said she has no regrets and is gracious toward her ex.

"I wish him all the best in the future, as a person and as an athlete," she said.

The needs of the children require priority over the anger and hurt of the parents.

Sad that so many couples don't see that.

Consider the examples above.

And, if you or someone you know is experiencing a relationship breakdown involving children, consider the example of Tiger Woods and Elin Nordgren as opposed to that of Kesley and Camille Grammer.

Whether your divorce is in Lethbridge, Alberta, or Beverly Hills, California, the issue is the same - conflict and anger is a good recipe for raising troubled children.

Give children the best opportunity to survive a divorce unscathed.

Consider a Collaborative Divorce team as the children's best option.

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